
Why Us?
- One of the Top 3 cosmetic procedures
- Instant fat loss
- Day Care procedure
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Arm Liposuction
- Helps sculpt the arm by removing unwanted fat from the specific areas of the arms.
- Can remove stubborn areas of fat that don’t respond to traditional weight-loss methods.
- Can remove stubborn areThe upper arm is notorious for looking floppy and flabby no matter how many targeted exercises you try, especially for of fat that don’t respond to traditional weight-loss methods.
Back liposuction can be used to address different parts of the back as mentioned below:
- Lumbo sacral back fat is just above the tailbone.
- Buffalo hump back fat is near the neck.
- Infra-scapular back fat is located between the shoulder blades/ scapula bone.
- Posterior axillary back fat is close to the armpit and in the upper portion of the back.
- Posterior waist back fat is situated just above and behind the hips.
Thigh Liposuction
Calf Liposuction
Frequently Asked Questions
“YES” it is .
However, as in case of any surgery, some temporary bruising, swelling, fluid discharge, discomfort, numbness, and limited mobility can be seen as side effects. Very rarely fat embolism or pulmonary embolism may happen.
Liposuction is a procedure that can help sculpt the body by removing unwanted fat from specific areas, including the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms, chin, cheeks and neck.
Although multiple areas on the body can undergo liposuction at the same time, the total amount of lipoaspirate (fat and tumescent fluid) that can be removed safely in a simple surgery is 5 litres.
Due to this limitation the surgeries can be staged.
Speak to our eminent surgeon who can help plan the same. Liposuction is a procedure that can help sculpt the body by removing unwanted fat from specific areas, including the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms, chin, cheeks and neck.
- Results of the liposuction are permanent.
- Your body has a set number of fat cells that shrink or grow in size in response to weight gain.
- Once removed your body will not regenerate those cells.
- Results are permanent as long as you maintain them. Weight gain can happen in areas not treated with liposuction.
- With diet and exercise these results can be maintained.
Increase in fat cells can happen only and only under special exception of extreme weight gain where once the existing fat cells reach their maximum size they divide to create new fat cells.
In our body, the number of fat cells become constant at 18 to 20 years of age. Subsequent, weight gain happens due to increase in the size of the fat cells and not due to increase in the number of fat cells. When the calorie intake is more than what is exhausted by the means of exercise or activity, these calories get stored in the fat cells. By means of Liposuction, we actually take out the fat cells by sucking them out. This means that the amount of fat cells are reduced to the extent of 80 to 90%. The remaining cells usually do not grow unless there is a hormonal problem, or external usage of steroids or pregnancy or any extraordinary circumstance.
The only prerequisite for undergoing liposuction is good skin elasticity. If the skin elasticity is not good, it is advisable to have a skin tucking procedure simultaneously or later. Liposuction can be done for any external part of the body although the risks and benefits of the same may differ from area to area. The common areas where liposuction is done are the abdomen, love handles, back, chest (in case of males), back, arms, lateral chest area, thighs, calf, double chin, and jaw.
The time required for liposuction varies from an hour to a couple of hours, depending upon the area being treated, the technique used and the amount of fat to be removed.
Vaser –
This form of lipo is exclusive to the Vaser System which uses ultrasonic energy to dissolve fat cells. This LipoSelection technique leaves surrounding tissue, nerves and blood vessels virtually intact.
Ultrasonic Liposuction –
While theoretically the same technique as LipoSelection, ultrasound-assisted liposuction doesn’t utilize the Vaser System. Fat cells are broken down and liquified through ultrasonic energy (sound waves) that are emitted at the top of the cannula.
SmartLipo™ –
Involves laser-assisted fat removal through a small cannula with an Nd:Yag laser placed inside. SmartLipo is used to firm up localized areas of fat, while also tightening the skin. SmartLipo is mostly recommended for the chin, waist, upper arms, inner / outer thighs.
Power-Assisted Lipo (PAL) –
The power-assisted liposuction technique requires less force on the part of the surgeon to remove unwanted fat cells. Because the liposuction cannula is powered, it moves in a very rapid back and forth motion that allows for ease of movement. Also, PAL is not ultrasonic and therefore, no heat is generated that can harm surrounding tissues. In effect, this method re-sculpts the body and creates more flattering contours.
Body Jet Liposuction –
In Body jet liposuction, water jet is used to break the fat cells which are sucked.
It is a day care procedure.