Get that Shape Looks!

Why Us?
Brachioplasty, or ‘Arm Lift’ surgery reshapes the underside of the upper arm from the armpit to the elbow. The surgery removes extra skin and fat to give a more toned and balanced appearance.
Upper arm skin can sag with age, after significant weight loss or for a person suffering with Lymphedema. Exercise may strengthen and improve the underlying muscle tone of the upper arm, but it cannot get rid of the extra skin that has lost its elasticity.
Normally, there is a long scar on the inner side of the arm after the excess skin is removed.
At La Transformatione’ Plastic Surgery center we have developed an innovative method to keep the scar minimal and hidden in the axilla.
This allows the ladies to wear short sleeve dresses. This innovation is very rewarding for the patients.
To find out more on Brachioplasty Cost or Arm Surgery Cost in Mumbai, call us today!
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Frequently Asked Questions
It is the medical term for an arm lift. It means arm (brachio) reshaping (plasty).
The excess upper arm tissue, sometimes referred to as a “bat wing,” is removed during brachioplasty. This is done using direct excision (removal by cutting) or a combination of liposuction followed by direct excision.
Depending on the level of correction needed, liposuction may be combined to achieve the final desired contour.
There is discomfort associated with all body contouring procedures. The post-operative pain in case of a brachioplasty surgery is bearable and patients are off prescription pain killers within a few days of the surgery.
An arm lift or arm fat surgery is usually performed in the operating room under general anesthesia. Additionally, many surgeons inject additional local numbing medicine in the surgical area while you are asleep to provide additional post-operative pain control, post surgery.
The incision will depend upon how much tissue needs to be removed and whether the tissue is near the armpit or lower down on the arm. The traditional vertical incision goes from the armpit to the elbow. If the excess tissue is limited to the top of the upper arm, you may be a candidate for a short-scar arm lift with a crescent-shaped incision in the armpit area.
Yes, there is scarring associated with this procedure.
In a standard arm lift, the scar is a straight line from the armpit to the elbow. It is placed along the inside of the arm. However, it can still be visible in short sleeve shirts and tank tops. In the short-scar arm lift, the scar is a curved line that can be hidden in the armpit.